Tuesday, 18 January 2011

13-year-old Lithuanian girl killed after Facebook date

A Facebook date ended with a 13-year-old Lithuanian girl being murdered by the 14-year-old boy she met on the popular social networking site. On Monday, the unnamed teen confessed to the murder, which took place on Sunday.

The boy lives in the capital, Vilnius, while the girl lived in Altus. According to police spokeswoman Dalia Petrauskiene, the girl's half-nude body was found at a bus stop outside Vilnius on Sunday.

Lithuania is one of Facebook's fastest growing markets. It has approximately 710,000 users in a country with a total population of only 3.4 million. If found guilty of murder, the boy only faces a maximum 10-year sentence, perhaps because of his age.

Ironically, it appears that Petrauskiene, the aforementioned police spokeswoman, has her own Facebook account.