Apparently that thought never crept into the (probably smaller than normal) brain of one Brian Westerfield. Westerfield stole a brand new smartphone from a proud new owner near the Walmart in Nampa, Idaho. The victim had just purchased the phone and was downloading apps (already) when police say Westerfield grabbed the phone and ran.
Rather than using high-tech methodology (like Find My iPhone or similar Android services), police and the victim used a low-tech sting. They called Westerfield and attempted to buy the phone. Sgt. Mike Wagoner said:
"The suspect didn't know that he was talking with the police. (They) dickered over the price for the phone and so when the suspect did show up the police obviously were there to meet him."To make matters worse for Westerfield, he reportedly tripped and fell face first onto the ground while attempting to escape. Well, they say most criminals aren't the smartest people on the planet, and we suppose they aren't the most graceful, either.