Thursday, 20 January 2011

No 'super-high resolution' display for iPad 2: report

Recent reports have pointed to a quadrupling of the iPad 2 pixels, with a 2048 x 1536 resolution promising a "retina" display on its larger 9.7-inch screen. However, Daring Fireball has turned up the "heat" and thrown "cold water" on the idea, based on its sources.

John Gruber of Daring Fireball said on Tuesday that his sources say that not only will the iPad 2 not sport a 2048 x 1536 display, it will keep the exact same resolution, 1024 x 768. Gruber is well-sourced, and he said:
Its display may be improved in other ways — brighter, better power consumption, thinner, perhaps. Maybe it uses the new manufacturing technique Apple introduced with the iPhone 4 display, which brings the LCD closer to the surface of the touchscreen glass — making it look more like pixels on glass rather than pixels under glass. But my sources are pretty sure that it’s not 2048 × 1536 or any other “super high resolution”.
In referring to "super high resolution," Gruber is referring to Engadget's report, which did not list an actual resolution, but instead just said the iPad 2 would have a new "super high resolution" display.

These are the sort of rumors that run prior to a product refresh cycle. Whether or not the iPad 2 has a "super high resolution" display or 2048 x 1536 resolution remains "to be seen."