Friday, 21 January 2011

The first Verizon iPhone ad: 'It Begins'

And so it begins: the blitz of Verizon iPhone commercials has seen its first "entry."

The ad begins with a clock showing 11:59. The ad moves on to show additional clocks, a person tapping his finger, implying people waiting, but for what? Obviously, the Verizon iPhone.

More clocks, a person kneading their hands together in nervous anticipation, and more clocks. Then more nervous behavior by people, over which you hear:

“To our millions of customers ..."

Tapping feet.

"Who never stopped believing this day would come."

The clock shown earlier at 11:59 now hits 12:00. A girl smiles.

“Thank you.”

iPhone 4 logo.
Verizon logo.
The tagline: “It Begins”.
Cue the launch date: 2.10.11.
"Rule the Air"

Here's hoping the expected Verizon iPhone Super Bowl commercial wows us.