Friday, 14 January 2011

The App Store's 10 billionth download, and a new contest looms

The App Store is about to hit its 10,000,000,000th (that's 10 billion!) download, and though it's still about 200 million away, Apple has updated its website already, and not just to publicize the event, either. No, indeed, you could win a $10,000 iTunes Gift Card.

The idea is to be either the 10 billionth app downloader, or the first person to submit a non-purchase entry form (available here) immediately after the 9.999,999,999th download.

It's not the first time Apple has run such a contest. In fact, most of their milestones like this usually have some sort of promotion attached.

You need to be over 13 years of age (or obtain a parent’s or legal guardian’s consent before participating) and you need to be a “legal resident of a participating App Store country” in order to qualify.