The baby does move at 0:10 and 5:10, the beginning and end of the video. That, of course, doesn't mean the whole thing wasn't staged. On the other hand, "Baby Yoga with Lean Fokina" appears on this Russian site, with the following Google Translated information:
Baby Yoga practice Despite the name - «baby yoga», which can be translated into Russian as "infant yoga" or "yoga for kids," she has a distinct character of the partnership or, in terms of today, "the pair of yoga." Indeed, baby yoga - the practice for two, for mom (or dad) and baby. At the heart of the practice is a deep study of the postnatal physiology and emotional needs of mother and child. The practice was created to help mother and baby get to know each other, enjoy the interaction - the visual and tactile, recover from childbirth and get positive emotions. During the study the mother-child emotional bonds are formed, which constitute the foundation for future cooperation and the guarantee of a harmonious psychological development of the baby. For moms practice - and even a way to adapt to the soft life of a parent, help in developing skills of safe and confident handling of the baby, the ability to relax and entertain. An important principle of the baby-yoga: taking care of himself, rested and full of energy mother - happy and contented baby.That site also adds that Lena Fokina has more than 20 years of experience with infants and children. Gawker also notes it has uncovered more, similar video.
Real or fake? Most believe it's fake, but remember that cultures around the world differ greatly in what they think is safe and not safe. At any rate, although YouTube has removed the video, it's still available on Break, so take a look below, and decide for yourself.
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