For those who might have purchased recently, according to the report, if you have your receipt and it's been within the last two weeks, you can get the difference refunded. The report comes via retail sources, speaking to Droid-Life.
Samsung says it has shipped around 1.5 million Tabs since the devices' launch about three months ago. That was up 50 percent on its original estimates. Still, it's hard to say how it's doing for Verizon. After all, Verizon has the iPad sitting right next to it on its retail shelves, and although it does not have build in 3G like the Galaxy tab, for $30 more (at the Galaxy Tab's original $599 price point), a customer gets a MiFi hotspot to carry that allows them to connect up to five devices to 3G.
Additionally, it's expected that a number of android tablets will be introduced at CES, including Motorola's highly anticipated Xoom, so there will be sales pressure there, too.
Finally, it's widely expected that with a Verizon iPhone soon-to-come, a Verizon iPad, including 3G connectivity built-in, can't be far behind (realistically, for those who don't mind carrying an extra device around, the MiFi-enabled iPad is a better deal).
None of this has been officially confirmed via a press release or matched on Verizon's website, which still has the Galaxy Tab at $599.
This wouldn't be the first Galaxy Tab price cut. T-Mobile cut their price by $50 (to $349) not long ago, for a subsidized on-contract Galaxy Tab. All four major U.S carriers sell a version of the Galaxy Tab, with Verizon's version the only one that does not require a contract, hence its higher price.