The goal of $16 million goal was reached in record time, the Wikimedia Foundation said. In 2009, the Foundation amassed $7.5 million during its pledge drive, so 2010's drive accrued more than double that of the prior year.
According to the Foundation's blog post, not only was the fundraiser the shortest on record, but
- There were ver 500,000 donations to the Wikimedia Foundation (230,000 were made in 2009).
- Nearly 130,000 donations were made to local Wikimedia chapters world-wide.
- Two of the days set records as the largest fundraising days in Wikipedia history.
- The average donation size: about $22.
The post also notes that on Jan. 15, 2011, Wikipedia will turn 10. It's not too late to donate, except in terms of your 2010 tax return.