Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Following AT&T's lead, Apple lowers iPhone 3GS price to $49

Apple has followed AT&T's lead and lowered the price of new iPhone 3GS models to $49. AT&T earlier lowered their price for the 2009 model, in what was widely believed to be a move done in anticipation of the Verizon iPhone.

The pricing change is just a price match by Apple, but both moves also serve as an admission by Apple and AT&T that sales of the iPhone 3GS GSM model will drop with a Verizon iPhone 4 out in the market. It is unlikely that Verizon will sell an iPhone 3GS version.

The practice of continuing to sell the prior year's model began with the introduction of the iPhone 3GS in 2009, when Apple continued to sell the iPhone 3G at a $99 price point, but with only 8GB of storage. When the iPhone 4 was launched, the "introductory" or "low cost" iPhone model was changed to the iPhone 3GS.