Tuesday 4 January 2011

'Roll Your Own': iOS app teaches how to roll your own joints

Steve Jobs is quite vehement about the Android Market where you go for porn, but if you want to learn how to roll a doobie, it's the App Store all the way.

Recently released to the App Store is the Roll Your Own app. It is true that the developer makes no mention of marijuana in the App Store description, but go to their website and read some of their press release:
Steah announced today the release of Roll Your Own, a free iPhone app that gives tobacco enthusiasts and recreational and medical marijuana smokers a helping hand with comprehensive videos, step-by-step instructions and practical tips on rolling their favorite smokes. [...]

Canton went on to say that, "from a quality of life perspective, this app can be a real boon to those with medical marijuana prescriptions - particularly for people who may be unfamiliar with the methods of using it."
As noted in the press release, it is true that the app can be used by both medical marijuana users and tobacco smokers, as well, so it's not as though Roll Your Own is going to be used by those who wish Proposition 19 had passed, but it's always fun to find Apple in these sorts of situations, given the iron fist surrounding the App Store, and Jobs' comments about Android.

We tried to find a similar app in the Android Market and were successful (!), and it was even free. As far as "Roll Your Own" goes, we'll see if it stays in the App Store once Steve Jobs gets wind of it.
